Typical Viva Questions

Research paper may refer to:

  1. Academic paper (also called scholarly paper), which is published in academic journals and contains original research results or reviews existing results or show a totally new invention
  2. Position paper, an essay that represents the author's opinion
  3. Term paper, written by high school or college students
  4. Thesis or dissertation, a document submitted in support of a candidature for a degree or professional qualification, presenting the author's research and findings

External resources for research paper writing:

Collection of in-depth research topics by Questia

Research help from McQuade Library

Deciding To Use Answer To Prior Question As Working Thesis

When you write a research paper, you might consider writing with your own personal attitude towards a subject while using that point as a working thesis. You would have to get information out to convince readers that the thesis you are trying to produce is valid and not just something that reflects your attitudes towards that topic.

You must think about how you’re going to answer some of these questions that readers might pose. Many of these relate to how you can defend your thesis.

How Relevant Is Your Thesis?

The relevance of your thesis is essential as it could relate to prominent topics that readers could potentially relate to. For instance, if you were writing a paper on cloud computing then you could produce a thesis relating to your attitudes on data encryption or preventing ransomware. These are topics that are very relevant to the cloud computing industry.

It is often easier for people to understand the importance of your paper when you notice the value of the thesis you are trying to produce. The opinions you have should be ones that are intriguing to today’s audience.

What Is Your Motivation?

Start by discussing your motivation. A write my research paper team can help you to find a proper motivation that might be appropriate for your work. This includes understanding any questions that you might want to answer within a certain period of time. Your motivation will be the guiding focus of your work and can influence how you go about your research or planning any tests you have. You can use your working thesis to help people understand how well a project will work and what points can make it stand out in some manner.

How Will It Contribute to Your Field?

You have to also discuss how your working thesis will make an impact to the particular field of study you are in. This could influence your outline as it will give you a clear focus on how you want your research paper to make an impact. This includes looking into how you’re going to address certain topics that might influence future studies or alter certain opinions that people hold. A research paper helper should assist you with developing a better idea for how well the subject can work for your needs.

Look carefully at how you’re going to convince your readers that whatever thesis or opinion you have is worthwhile. This is all about adding a sense of credibility to your work.

How to make a research project really special

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Handy tips

  • Proofread

    Double-check your paper to avoid silly mistakes
  • Imagination

    Take a creative approach even to a very precise topic
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