Typical Viva Questions

Research paper may refer to:

  1. Academic paper (also called scholarly paper), which is published in academic journals and contains original research results or reviews existing results or show a totally new invention
  2. Position paper, an essay that represents the author's opinion
  3. Term paper, written by high school or college students
  4. Thesis or dissertation, a document submitted in support of a candidature for a degree or professional qualification, presenting the author's research and findings

External resources for research paper writing:

Collection of in-depth research topics by Questia

Research help from McQuade Library

How To Compose A Top-Notch Term Paper In A Single Day

Creating a custom term paper can be a difficult task. Their real purpose is to train the students in the writing of scientific papers and the necessary research. This is not easy, especially for beginners, because even the pure workload is considerable, quite apart from the task of standing entirely alone and without help. One of the challenges of your studies is the practice of scientific research and working formats like composing a paper. The success of such work implies some prior knowledge. In order to make this work easier, a few tips and tricks are presented here, which help you avoid some problems and reduce others in their weight.

A paper can, of course, not be written if there is no research. There are preliminary work that is necessary and helpful for composing the final text. So, first of all, you should clarify what your concrete initial question is. Try to get an overview of the topic and the corresponding literature in the library. You may already have some aspects that are of particular interest to you, or you may encounter problems with your research in which you can easily imagine working out in the context of an issue. When you are done with research, you move on to writting. The introduction should clarify which topic is presented and put into a context, what the specific question is, how the work is built up.Write the introduction in the end, so you have the best overview of the entire work and can make the introduction which makes sense. The main part comprises the actual processing of the questionnaire with the help of literature and other materials, a coherent arrangement of the individual steps of knowledge, arguments and conclusions. The conclusion includes a summary of the work done, (own) conclusions, it should show the limits of this work throughout research context. Certainly, it is important to note that the coarse division of the overall text into three parts do not equal with a division of your work into three chapters. Make sure you make your main body meaningful and divide it into individual chapters and sub-chapters.

Last but not least your work needs a cover sheet with information about the university, the course, the lecturer, and information about you. The date should be the day of delivery and make sure you proofread everything. If you follow these tips, it will be much easier to do the task and save time.

How to make a research project really special

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Handy tips

  • Proofread

    Double-check your paper to avoid silly mistakes
  • Imagination

    Take a creative approach even to a very precise topic
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