Typical Viva Questions

Research paper may refer to:

  1. Academic paper (also called scholarly paper), which is published in academic journals and contains original research results or reviews existing results or show a totally new invention
  2. Position paper, an essay that represents the author's opinion
  3. Term paper, written by high school or college students
  4. Thesis or dissertation, a document submitted in support of a candidature for a degree or professional qualification, presenting the author's research and findings

External resources for research paper writing:

Collection of in-depth research topics by Questia

Research help from McQuade Library

Creating A Strong Thesis Statement For A Research Paper

A thesis statement must meet scientific requirements. The following points are designed by myhomeworkdone.com to help you identify the most common problems and mistakes and to avoid them from the beginning. As soon as you are apparent, you can register the thesis. Before doing so, consider the following points. In which subject area do you want to write your thesis? It should be a topic area that really interests you. It is optimal if the work covers thematically what you want to do later. Search for a professor who is responsible for your thesis as first responder. It is perfect if your future main researcher is active in the topic of your choice. Go to your professor and talk to him. If you do not have a specific topic yet, this is no problem. Your mentor will work out the topic with you. At least you should have a dare idea, what interests you.

In addition to the main beneficiary you need a corrector. This must also be a member of the university. If the co-examiner is not a professor, he or she must at least have the academic degree that you want to pursue during the thesis. You will receive the form for the registration of the thesis at the examination office. The main referee, the corrector and you must sign the form. From the time of the application you have a fixed time until the delivery of the finished, printed work. Plan the work so that you can get along with your time. Depending on the subject, you must submit a certain amount of printed copies to the Examination Office. Clarify the required quantity on time. The content, language and layout of your final work should, if possible, be faultless and the work should show scientifically correct work.

When you have an overview, you should consider a very precise question. Best one, is the one where you have enough material. And you should wonder what attitude you would like to take to the question. You have to decide for an aspect, a view angle and go through it. Many of them fail! Professors hate spongy works, which pile a variety of arguments into unclear questions from different fragments. It is better to clarify the goal and result of the work at the beginning and then build the structure as quickly as possible. That is the most important thing.

How to make a research project really special

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Handy tips

  • Proofread

    Double-check your paper to avoid silly mistakes
  • Imagination

    Take a creative approach even to a very precise topic
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